Found: 55
KwaZulu-Natal is one of the nine provinces of South Africa. It is often referred to as the 'Zulu Kingdom', as it is the ancestral home of the Zulu people, whose king King Goodwill Zwelinthini, is descended from a long line of Zulu royalty.
Municipal Environment & Tourism Department
Tel: 011 456 0112
FAX: 011 456 0114
The town was proclaimed in 1904 after coal had been discovered in the
area. Six coal mines ...
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Ratings: 1
The Kingdom's north coast, also known as the Dolphin Coast, stretches from Zimbali to the mighty Tugela River.
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Ratings: 0
On 2 April 1879, British forces marching on the Zulu- besieged town of
Eshowe were attacked here by King Cetshwayo's southeastern regiments.
The Zulu were driven off and Eshowe relieved the following day after
more than two months without supplies or ...
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Ratings: 0
The sheer majesty of this region will take your breath away. Under the
hot African sun, the cobalt blue Indian Ocean, Mangrove swamps and
limpid lagoons, give way to rolling green hills and indigenous forests
which shimmer in the distance before they ...
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Ratings: 1
Thukela Biosphere Information
Tel 036 352 6253
Established in 1838 on the banks of the Bushman's River and named (The
Place of Weeping) in memory of Zulu-massacred Voortrekkers, Weenen is
today a fascinating mix of history and eco/ ...
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Ulundi Tourism
Cnr. Priness Mangogo/King Zwelithini Streets,Ulundi
Private Bag x 261, Ulundi, 3838
Tel 035 870 0595
Fax 035 870 0598
Situated in the heart of the old Zulu kingdom which lost its
independence ...
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Ratings: 0
Many private game farms, hunting lodges and safari guides operate from
this magnet for international trophy collectors. Magudu is also the
site of a historical village that was once home to Magudu, the Zulu
rain queen.
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Ratings: 1
Found: 55
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